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I am a tenant. How much water authority tax do I have to pay?

We will send the assessment to the tenant that has been registered at the address the longest. The amount you pay depends on the number of people in your household. For the purposes of water authority tax, all of the people registered at a particular address form a household.

As a tenant you will find 2 charges on your assessment: a water system charge for residents (Watersysteemheffing Ingezetenen) and a water treatment charge (Zuiveringsheffing). The water system charge is a fixed amount per home. The water treatment charge depends on the number of people in the household: as a single tenant you pay for 1 pollution unit and when living together you pay for 3 pollution units. Do you end up living alone during the year? Then we will lower your assessment automatically.

View all tax rates and some handy examples

Your annual tax assessment can be found online via My Waternet. Log in for Taxes to view your assessment and choose your payment method.

As a student living communally

Are you a student living together with other students on the same address? Then you and your fellow students will be seen as a household for water authority tax purposes. The student that has been registered the longest will receive the assessment. We recommend you to make arrangements with the other students to share the costs evenly. You can find an example of a typical situation in example 1: You are a tenant and you live together.

Separate assessment for landlord

As a tenant you are not the owner of the building. The landlord will receive their own assessment for water authority tax. That's because the owner has to pay a water system charge for buildings. That's a percentage of the building's WOZ valuation. The tenants are responsible for paying the water system charge for residents and water treatment charge. The owner/landlord is responsible for paying the water system charge for buildings.